M.H. Shahin
Welcome To Digital IT Bangla
Digital It Bangla is a renowned IT institute founded in 2000 with a very Student & Customer friendly environment. It offers comprehensive training programs as well as Services (e.g.Office, Graphic Design, SEO, Web Development and Web Design, Digital Marketing, Domain/Web Hosting, Software service/ Hosted Software etc) on different IT Web sectors with a strong base of real-time trainers with proven expertise in varied technology domains. We’re dedicated to giving you the very best IT Web Lessons and Services, with a focus on achieving your ultimate goal. we are committed to provide you world class standard training which you can use in every purpose in your job. You will find us your satisfaction when you complete our Courses. I can assure all of you we will provide our best to you. We offer all types off computer base training to you. Our proficiency lies between figuring out your talent, understanding youraptitude, analyzing your needs and nurturing you to reach the zenith oftechnological excellence. We believe in the native potential of every individual.Our alumni have been raised from junior executives to team leaders, projectheads and administration authorities over the years.
We follow a customized syllabus to fulfill the career goals of the students as nicelyas professionals. Our students achieve an in-depth understanding of the course ina practical manner and get immediate placement after the completion of thecourse.

Dynamic Website

ওয়েব হোস্টিং

ওয়েব ডেভলপমেন্ট

Domain Registration

সফটওয়্যার ডেভলপমেন্ট
Class Schedule
Sat – Mon – Wed | Sun – Tue – Thu |
08:00 – 09:00 AM | 08:00 – 09:00 AM |
09:00 – 11:00 AM | 09:00 – 11:00 AM |
11:00 – 01:00 PM | 11:00 – 01:00 PM |
02:00 – 04:00 PM | 02:00 – 04:00 PM |
04:00 – 06:00 PM | 04:00 – 06:00 PM |
06:00 – 08:00 PM | 06:00 – 08:00 PM |
08:00 – 09:00 PM | 08:00 – 09:00 PM |